I had a couple of hours to kill during my flight to LA so filled up my iPod with podcasts and packed my most recently bought computer book. I had an audiobook and an ordinary paperback as well as normal people do...
As an funny coincident the book I brought was Robert C. Martins Clean Code and the first podcast I listened to was Robert C. Martin on dotnetrocks.
Well, I can recommend both the book and the podcast, even if I'm not all the way thru the book yet it discuss topics that I care about and he has some good points in there.participate in.
...on the PDC-site. The only problem is that there's 3 or 4 of my pre checked session in each time slot. As usual the hardest part is to choose the sessions to attend.
I just read on Scott Hanselmans blog that Silverlight 2 i released.
And I will definitely attend his talk at PDC this year. Hopefully there will be som time to check this out before I'll get there, on the other hand I've got a 15hr trip there...
I did get an OK from my boss so I've registered for the conference including a pre conference day, booked a hotel and the trip as well.
I'm looking forward to go there because I remember all the new stuff at PDC 2005 and I hope there's going to be the same excitement all over again.